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February 09, 2016

Good morning my dearest fam! So, I woke up this morning with this thought in my head to give you guys expo on the markets to buy cheap food stuffs especially if you are buying
in bulk and want plenty change to remain. If you have a stingy oga, better not tell him so you can save up for yourself but this will really help plenty families as it has helped me.

FYI: you can add your own markets if you can remember to help us too. you can never know finish in this life. 

1: Karimo market:  It is around that kado side: that is you can ask take kado area to get there or just ask questions and hopefully people will direct you/. It is a Tuesday and Friday market but people come more on Tuesdays

2: Kado fish market: As the name says, it's a fish market but they sell other things like chicken, turkey, shrimps, isam/perinwinkle, catfish etc. and at very cheap prices that is if you shine your eyes o.   

3: Fruit market in maraba: it's called fruits market because they sell all things fruits and vegetables at cheap prices. you can buy your tomatoes, pepper, onions in baskets, carrots, spring onions etc and there you can do sharing, so you don't need to buy one whole basket. Just give some women 20 naira and they will share your part for you.

4: Suleja market: This market is very far o but if you still want, you can give it a try but i don't really recommend it cause of the distance.

5: Kabusa Market: this one is located around the Lokogoma axis of Abuja and it's a Saturday market. I haven't been there but will check it out this Saturday. so stay tuned cause i will bring you more update on this market.

6: Goza market:  I hope i pronounced it well...This market is after kuje but before airport. The market day is on Fridays. Things are very cheap there  but when you go in the evening, people say things are more cheaper because the sellers just want to sell there things off and return back to their villages.

Deidei market: This located in dei dei area of Abuja after kubwa if you are taking the high way, and it's just like fruit market. you can buy tomatoes, pepper, onions in baskets too and at a very cheap rate. I don't think it has a market day or time. just that going early makes you buy cheaper cause you are not in a hurry to do other things.

So check this markets out and let other wives know what you think or If you have other markets that haven't been listed here, please leave the name and location in the comment box or add me up on  bbm: 58ab9e6f for more info and am planning to start a whatapp or bbm group for abuja wives so we can  also use that medium to ask questions like this. Remember to share this post please and also leave your comments. I love you for reading and till my next post, xoxo.

  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the comment, please share so others can read.

  2. That Goza market is life! Food there is so cheap, it worth the stress and distance. Thanks deka

    1. yes it is. if you have anymore markets to share. please do share. you know housewives like us are always looking for how to cut cost. thanks for commenting

    2. I think the one missing is orange market, near nyanya or Karu. I've never been, but I've sent someone there and it was great.

    3. yea, thought i added it.. cheaper than most of the ones i mentioned self.


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