She always wanted me to carry her. Imagine me that my whole joints were just paining and they now gave me like four different types of drugs: amoxil, lonart, paracetamol and beehive balsam to be taking. plus my routine drugs o. How i hate drugs and clothes have been annoying these days. i now tie wrapper more often plus the heat isn't helping matters.
I am feeling better now but still i have to finish the annoying drugs. i went to the cinema on Friday with hubby and in laws and had a very nice time even though the movie didn't wow me. Let me gist you, SO i was lying down on the floor still coming out from the sickness small small when hubby called and said his older bros got tickets for all of us to go see 'GODS OF EGYPT' but he told him i wasn't feeling well if you see the speed my sickness left me and i told him to better tell him, am alrite eh....The guy laugh me, You won't understand, it's been ages i went to the cinema so i had to take this opportunity. SEE THE POST ABOUT MY CINEMA OUTING. You know, am almost due so Finding an easy position to sit in, let alone sleep is becoming more of a challenge. And bumping into chairs and steps are becoming more often. I even broke my fixed nails and my natural toe nails are horrible looking.
Lucky for me, i got someone to be helping out for the time being before i get a permanent person, so the waist pain has kinda reduced and i am more active now and work load has reduce.
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