Hi Hi Hi, so before you say this woman don come again please read to the end and thank me later. I know a lot of us are traveling and those of us that are not traveling should not feel bad o. Na buhari cause am. But wether you are traveling or not. We just have to buy cheap cause no cash anywhere. So I deka of diary of an Abuja mom. The one that keeps you updated with how to spend less for more is here again to put a smile on you and your family faces. First of if you are in Abuja or have a family that stays in Abuja and you want the person to help you buy please check out..MARKETS YOU CAN BUY CHEAP FOODSTUFFS IN ABUJA
You will probably benefit from this post more but all hope is not lost cause you can still get cheap prices in your areas too.
Who has noticed like me that if you buy in bulk,you are literally spending less that way saving more even if you don't have a big family yet like me, buy in 1/2 dozen. Just try not to buy in pieces. i hope you understandDO SHARING
This one is mostly for cow meat, goat meat, tomatoes etc. When you go to those cheap market. You will see where women are asking you if you want to share, That way if bag of onions is 10,000 naira...and you get 10 people to pay 1000. you will get more onions.SHOP EARLY
So if you are planning to save cash then please try shopping early. Don't wait till 24th of December to start rushing. it will really help your pocket.
Hope these tips are really helpful and if you have more, please share and don't forget to subscribe. I love you for reading and till my next post...xoxo
Hope these tips are really helpful and if you have more, please share and don't forget to subscribe. I love you for reading and till my next post...xoxo
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