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November 24, 2016
 Hello beauties.... How's your day going. So as you all know it's harmattan period here in Nigeria or Abuja and I'll be writing so many tips that can help you and your family through it. Focusing mostly on beauty,  child care and fashion.

Read 4-skin-care-guides-for-your-kids-this harmattan period

One can have dry, scaly lips all year round. But this period is the worst for most people like me who have scaly lips problem even my little boy is going through it too. Cracked lips is very uncomfortable for everyone and just applying petroleum jelly most times don't work at least for me.  Cause it dries out after a while.

The best natural homemade remedy is to exfoliate your lips to treat dry, scaly lips. This will also keep your lips soft and succulent. Lol

Here are 3 tricks you can try yourself in the comfort of your home and with the ingredient you are comfortable with.

1. The first lips exfoliation trick I'll bring to you needs only a finger scoop of petroleum jelly or vaseline and a toothbrush. You do this by filling up your lips with petroleum jelly then using a toothbrush, gently massage in the jelly in a circular motion. Wipe off the excess petroleum jelly. Whereas the toothbrush exfoliates/softens your lips, the petroleum jelly leaves your lips extra luscious and succulent. Repeat this trick a couple times a day until your lips are free from dry scaly lips patches.

2. The second trick that works to get rid of scaly lips is to apply organic coconut oil onto your lips and then scrub them in circular motions with a wet, warm small face towel. It will exfoliate your lips to make them extra soft and juicy. If you don’t have coconut oil, you can use extra virgin olive.

3. The third trick is honey & brown sugar lip scrub.

(i) Take a little bit of pure organic honey in your palm.
(ii) Add a small amount of brown sugar, and mix the two together in your palm using your finger. Add a drop of water if needed to have desired consistency.
(iii) apply it onto your lips and this will keep your lips soft and sumptous


(i) We are all guilty of this but please try your best not to lick your lips as in avoid it cause it doesn't hydrate dries it out quickly because saliva contains enzymes that draw moisture out of the skin.

(ii) Before applying a lip balm, moisten your lips with cool water, and then apply an oil-based balm to lock in moisture.

(iii) Other natural options you can use are Shea butter, almond oil,  aloe Vera gel,  olive oil,  castor oil and Avoid using one packaged products.

(iv)  This can also work for your kids cause they are all natural.

Please share the tips that have worked for you or someone you know in the comment section. I love you for reading and till my next post. XoXo
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