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December 01, 2016
Hello beauties, how are y'all doing. so how has your Sunday being. I didn't step out today. I did some laundry, car wash and cooking. Guess what i didnt do the normal rice and stew or jollof rice, we did fried Irish and sweet potatoes and tomatoes sauce and fried eggs. I would have taken pics o....but i forgot. MAYBE NEXT TIME. 
So today's post is basically on what and what i got this November. This Buhari period no gree peron buy better thing o but one must makeup o so whether the receesion likes it or not or makeup likes it or not. These are the thimgs i got and a review is definitely coming up on them. I'll like to try them out for at least one month before a review comes up. ENJOY

Have you used any of this products?
What are your thoughts?
Have you bought any new products this November?
I hope you enjoyed reading this  post. Please subscribe to my blog, follow me on social media and i love you for reading and till my next post. XoXo
5 comments on "MY NOVEMBER CHEAP BUYS"
  1. You really went shopping oo..
    My husband is currently using the nivea cream and its good on him..its definitely a good lotion for a dark skin..the Victoria secret spray is amazing,I have used it once!
    About the makeup items,I have not used any classic products but I heard they are nice too..
    Enjoy dear!!
    Wish I was around you at least enjoy your sunday potatoes with you

    1. Hahahaha. Replay wish you were here. We should do a collaboration soon. Thanks for the love of commenting. God bless u and my babies

  2. Classic powder is a no no no.... Trust me

    1. Abi. But it's just to be part of my collection

  3. Tried classic foundation.... Hated it ...the thing no join at aaallll.....and guess what? turned to water after some months!


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